Terms of Use

By using this web site you are subject to the following terms of use:

africa-junior.com makes no claims as to the accuracy of any information on our web site. All our information and data, presented on this website are used at the user's own risk. We claim copyright to all information and data that was created by  Angelika Hacker or Scala Z Media. Please be aware that some content is provided by third party sources. 

We don't warrant that our web site will be uninterrupted or error free. africa-junior.com is distributed on an "as is, as available" basis. Any material that you download through this website is done at your own risk, and you will be solely responsible for any potential damages to your computer system or loss of data that results from your download of any such material. You exprressly agree that you will assume the entire risk as to the quality and the performance of our web site and the cpmpleteness of assuracy of its continent. 

We cannot be responsible for any content that is not part of africa-junior.com and also we cannot verify or take responsibility for any content on other web sites that our web site links to. As always, parents should monitor their children's use of the Internet. 


Our material may only be used for private purpose. In general, we never allow for the reposting of our copyrighted material on the internet, for printing or for any other professionel purpose. A link to one of our pages is generally okay. If you would like to license some of our material for printing or for use on a password protected website; please contact us with the volume, page(s), and time frame for a quote.

This site is a product of Scala Z Media, Copyright 2016, All Rights Reserved. By using this site you agree to the terms of use.